Saturday, September 9, 2017

Caedmon Turns 3!

Where do I begin? Well, let's just say that I'm in denial that my Caed is turning 3. I have made his "2" year appointment only to be corrected that it's his 3 year appointment and then after I got off the phone I put it down on our calendar as his "2" year appointment. I'm not claiming preggo brain for this one, just denial. I refuse to except that he is growing up and that it's been 3 years since I brought him into this world. He has definitely hit the more emotional age where one second he is all smiles and laughter and the next he could be wailing away. He and his brother have very few sweet moments and when they happen, I just sit and watch and soak it in. They are usually screaming and pushing each other and such is life with boys so close in age. One day they will all be best buds. Caedmon, couldn't be any smarter though! He loves puzzles and fixing and building things! His mind is always going and now his mouth as well and that part gets annoying at times but we have waited so long that it's so fun to hear all the words he knows and sentences he is putting together. As we always say, he has a personality that far surpasses his height. People make many comments about "oh look at the baby!" "Aww he can talk!" "Look at the baby walking" or a 3 year old girl who came up to him in the buggy and, I swear she looked 5yo, well she starts "talking to the the baby" and her grandmother looks at me and apologizes for her just walking up because "she is only 3", I didn't tell her Caed's age or that would have made her feel even worse, since he literally was a third of her size. But, I knew from the beginning that with every year of Caed's life would come more comments etc. on his height and smallness. I also knew from the beginning that I wouldn't take offense at every comment people made. I want to be a role model for my son, to not get his feathers all ruffled so easily. He will be taught to stand up for himself, yes, but he will also be taught to educate people and practice patience and understanding rather than just acting out of immediate emotions. Yes, people will say mean and nasty things but understanding that to act out of anger just plays right into their hands. That's what they want. Getting offended at every "little" thing is not how I want to raise my child. Yes, he is special but so are people with black skin, white skin, Asians, Mexicans, People with Down syndrome, and people that are super tall, etc. That's what makes the human race so beautiful! Understanding that some people just don't/can't  understand that, is key. I haven't run into a person yet who has made a negative comment about my son. Most people think he's the coolest little dude and ask questions and I'm always glad to answer! Telling his story brings me joy because his journey is our greatest learning experience as parents. Caed stretches us daily and I know he has helped me to be a more mature individual and overcome my fears. I always hated docs, hospitals, calling people, handling insurance issues etc. and now I'm my son's biggest advocate talking to Docs all the time, educating most on his diagnosis, spending time in Hospitals, and tackling lovely Insurance when necessary. God has used Caed to shape us as parents and people and our prayer is that we can train him up to see what a gift he is to the world and that his life has a purpose. God has already used him to touch so many lives! I look forward to the many years ahead as God uses Caed to glorify Him and spread the joy and love of Christ through that goofy charming smile and personality of his. But, please slow down time a little. We love you Caedmon more than you will ever know! You are an amazing big bro who deeply cares for others even if somedays it doesn't shine through as much. You have the sweetest heart and you love and laugh so hard. I can't believe you are three. Stay strong and stay goofy always, sweet boy! 

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