Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A weekend full of friends, firsts for Caed, and sleepless nights with O2 and a Pulse Ox.

It has been a wonderful weekend full of friends for dinners and lunches, Caed getting to explore Lowes and eat pancakes for the first time, and there are some sleepless nights going on due to the lovely oxygen machine and pulse ox that Caed has to be on. So needless to say the Tripps are tired. ;-)

Our weekend started with a visit from Kirk at Tender Hearts to deliver the lovely machines and show us how to properly use them. Kirk has been so awesome! He has been with us from the NICU on. Such a sweet guy. We just don't like to see him as often as we have and with the gifts he keeps bringing us. If I could handle blood and such I probably could go into nursing now and have a good grip on what all is going on with all the equipment we have had to use whether its at the hospital or at home. haha. Anyways, that evening we had my best friend(Beth) and her family(Brandon, James, and Isaiah) join us for Friday night homemade pizza night! We had a blast catching up! Since we had company, over we decided to start Caed's oxygen the following night. It was so nice though because the night that Beth and her family came was the night that Caed slept 6:30 pm-6:20 am!!! I had to wake him at 9pm to give him a bottle! So, I was very sad when he had to start with the oxygen and Pulse Ox.

The first night he cried as we put it all on him then as soon as we laid him down he went to sleep with little frustration. His Sats(Saturations) and HR(heart rate)(without the oxygen) stayed around 84-90 and 122-150. Now they are at 99 and 100-120 which is awesome and you can tell he is breathing slower just by watching him. It's a world of difference. The only problem is him waking up every 2-3 hours hungry and irritated with the nasal cannula and him knocking it off several times at night and the pulse ox going off due to that.  I think I am getting the hang of taping it down though, so it doesn't bother him too much, just have to master removing the tape residue off of his poor little face. Hoping he gets used to it and starts sleeping better and longer again. It's been a booger but it is doing it's job which is allowing his heart to finally rest and his breathing to be so much slower and better. So, it is a love hate relationship right now and mom is finding great refuge in her coffee intake to get her through the days!

On a happier and a more fun note, Caed has been experiencing a lot of firsts the past couple of days. Josh had to take him on his first trip to the "Manly" store Lowes. Caed loved looking at all the cool tools and touching a few of them and making crazy noises as he talked and talked and talked throughout the store. On, Sunday morning he tried pancakes for the first time which was a hilarious sight. First touch was awful then he kept touching it and licking it till finally he smooshed it and started at it. End result: an obliterated pancake. Next we have had a top tooth come through with the other one not far behind! We have weathered this better than we did the bottom two. YAY! He is looking so much more different with these teeth! He is growing too fast!

Well, that is about all that has been happening here at the Tripp Casa. Keep us in your prayers as Caed continues to get used to the O2 and hopefully starts sleeping longer so that mommy and daddy can get a little bit of sleep ;-)

Here are some highlight pics from the weekend!

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