Another year in our son, Caed's life has flown by! As we prepare for our next bundle of boy craziness, I can't help but think back to how amazing God has been to us to bless us with our special Caedmon and for bringing us through his first weeks, months, and now another year of his life! I look at our POLP and LP group (parents of little people and little people) groups on Facebook and am reminded how blessed we have been to have a super healthy child with no major surgeries or problems. I am reminded of how strong all these parents are and how precious our kiddos are! They are more than conquerors! As I always say, God knew that we needed Caed and Caed needed us. I wouldn't change a thing!
A lot of people have been asking me and some are scared to ask because they feel like it's awkward, trust me it's not, I am more than happy to answer any questions and share our story with you.
The question has been "will this next child have dwarfism as well? What is the likelihood of you having another?"
Well the answer is simple, there is a VERY slight-none chance that we will have another child with dwarfism as our geneticist told us early on, it's something that just randomly happens and we were blessed to have it happen to us. We chose not to have any testing done on Josh and I after Caed was born because from all of our research and such and Dr's advice we felt like there was no need unless of course we had another child with achondroplasia. So far, Braddock's measurements have all been normal and there have been no concerns although my midwives and ultrasound tech have run over every detail to make sure. I was scared at first but I know God has everything in His hands and the child he gives us we will more than love and care for! Each child is a gift no matter their stature or condition they may have been born with. Caedmon has been nothing but a huge bright light in our life and has touched so many other's with his smile, waves, winks, goofy faces, and unconditional love for others. I cannot wait to see him as an older brother. He will be excellent and I'm sure very protective.
As for how Caed is doing, we still see early intervention each month(speech and OT) we love Mrs. Serena and Mr. Scott! We have been working on Caed's sign language as we are still working on words. He's trying though and is more expressive and communicates what he wants. Caed also is still on O2 and PulseOx every night until his next sleep study in April 2017. Blessed that he is so used to it that he has started helping us out with putting his oxygen on him! He is practically running these days and dancing and helping mommy with everything from chores to picking up daddy's dirty clothes and putting them in the hamper to picking up stuff when mommy drops it. He knows that baby Braddock is in mommy, when we ask where he is Caed points to mommy's belly or sometimes his own haha. He has tried out all of Baby Braddock's baby gear to make sure it's all Caed approved apparently. We haven't had to deal with any "fall on the floor" tantrums and he usually listens rather well. He is very particular about certain things like if a toy gets put in the wrong bucket or something makes a mess he freaks out a little. Get's his OCD honestly ;) It has just amazed me at how grown up he has become and what a good child he is. Hoping Braddock learns the ropes from Caed ;) Will be interested to see what Brad's personality will be like. Caed is so outgoing we'll see if we have a pretty chill little boy next. Either way Josh and I are very excited as our family grows! We just pray that Braddock's delivery goes smoothly with no complications and no NICU stay so that we can be those parents that get to take their child home soon after birth. That's my biggest hope and prayer! I can't imagine how some parents have to have their child in the NICU for months. It was so hard those two weeks. So we shall see and I will keep everyone posted!
So, as we close in on Caed's official Birthday, tomorrow, We are beyond BLESSED by this very special gift God gave us 2 years ago. He keeps us on our toes and reminds me daily how truly honored I am to be his mom and be able to stay home with him and not miss a moment of his life. It's a hard job with no time off or sick days but I wouldn't trade any of it! I love hanging out with my son and all of our adventures together. He is my biggest joy and has made me a better person. We love you Big Boy! Thank you, God for another year with our Crazy Caed!